Custom Apparel

We can supply your sports team with matching shirts or your staff with branded uniforms. With our ability to screen print or embroider we can support the needs of your PTA, restaurant, business, store, and more.


Screen Printing

Our six-station screen printing machine gives us the flexibility to do small or large runs of custom shirts. We can source shirts in a vast range of colors, materials, and styles. Our wide range of inks are tested for washability and can match your brand’s color.



If you need uniforms, aprons, hats, and more to be embroidered with your logo we can do large and small quantities. Your brand is important and we have a variety of threads that can match your colors and we can source the color and material that you need.

Click Below to SeeOur apparel options!


Our Essentials 2021 catalog provides you with name brand apparel options for your entire staff or team. From polos to aprons we are able to help you create a full uniform system.

We also offer a variety of promotional items. Click Here to Search our Catalog database for all your promotional needs.

“I would recommend Deana to any individual or business owner who is looking for creative and unique ways to bring your product to market. Deana is someone you want to know and work with to help you purchase the perfect personalized and unique gifts or take your business to the next level!!”

— Denise Harris-Jutze